Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hoy es el martes, el 28 de febrero del 2012

Ayer (yesterday), lunes, el 27 de febrero del 2012, we made: Corazones de terciopelo y lija

We used: Papel blanco, tijeras, lápiz o pluma
We wrote: Palabras en los corazones
Velvet Words/Actions and Sand Paper Words/Actions
   Palabras y acciones de terciopelo: suaves/orden...PAZ

Palabras y acciones de lija: ásperas/caos...
abuso, intimidacion, acoso escolar, VIOLENCIA-GUERRA

Go to http://www.oklahomacitynationalmemorial.org/secondary.php?section=6&catid=192.

1. Read the page
2. Listen to the video
3. In your cuaderno EL LUNES EN LA CLASE,  BE READY TO answer the following questions:

a. What is Called2Change?
b. Why Called2Change for students?
c. What is the Hope Trunk?
d. What is First Person?

4. Are you interested in visiting the Oklahoma National Memorial Memorial Museum on a Saturday?  Your parents will take you to the museum and pick you up from there. They are welcome to stay, learn and reflect with us. 

The visit will take about 3 hours to do it correctly. 

There is an entrance fee + money for a reflective meal after the visit.  We could meet in the morning and have lunch or we could meet in the afternoon and have a dessert at a restaurant in walking distance of the museum. 

Please ask your parents and bring to class a couple of dates that will be best for you and your parents.  If your parents cannot attend that is ok, but you should have a way to get to the museum and back home. 

I will arrange a VIP tour for the group once we have the date determined.  We will also pick-up our HOPE TRUNK that day, if there is one available.
ch. On a scale from 1-10 what rating would you give the video? Why?

We also review PARTES DEL CUERPO learned during Carnaval

We already knew: Ojos, oidos, orejas, boca

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